A combination of gouache, pencil and digital.

The (Indoor) Adventures of Mr. Feelings

Although quarantining can’t have been easy for anyone, I couldn’t help but feel for and empathize with the kids around my sister’s age who had to stop going to school or preschool, parks and playgrounds for reasons they can’t quite fully understand. This little illustrated narrative that I later chose to explore through claymation, follows Mr. Feelings (who was named by my little sister) as he spends his time inside, tries to stay busy and find little things that will make him happy even when things seem slightly dreary. I wanted to emphasize the importance of the small almost insignificant things that we take for granted in our day-to-day lives and taking whatever comes your way one day at a time. Sometimes even noticing the sun shining through the window is enough!

A short animated sequence that is a combination of claymation and digital animation.


On Sleeplessness and Senseless Fears


Visual Poetry (Illustrated Collection of Poetry)